Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Blogger Buzz: Blogger integrates with Amazon Associates

Blogger Buzz: Blogger integrates with Amazon Associates


daniel said...

With it being the end of the semester, and everyone freaking out.. I just want to take a moment to wish everyone a Happy Day!! It is so easy to get wrapped up in the stress: the papers and the projects then going to work and shopping for the holidays.

daniel said...

With it being the end of the semester, and everyone freaking out.. I just want to take a moment to wish everyone a Happy Day!! It is so easy to get wrapped up in the stress: the papers and the projects then going to work and shopping for the holidays.

Unknown said...

Nice option, but i have problem. I got this error "FeedBurner feed that belongs to a Google account that is not the same as the owner of this blog" and this is not true. I'm using same google username and password for feedburner (yes, global Google cookie works) as for blogger blog. So, it's unable to find me. When i add ads to my newly created feed with this new blogger option, i received e-mail that i need to give permissions for blogger to access my adsense account. When i follow this link, adsense told me that blogger is already have permissions to publish ads on blogger.com site. So, it's some kind of internal problem